ADI'DAS Radar Image Preview Database

Atmospheric phenomena / Atmospheric fronts

Image Preview/ Location map

Image name OCEANX9911012255
Platform/Sensor Ocean-7/RAR
Flight altitude/speed 650 km / 6.9 km/s
Image partition No; visual image is supplied in the same picture
Wavelength(s)/Frequency(ies)/Band(s) 0.0316 / 9.5 / X
Polarization(s) VV
Incidence angle(s) 21°-46°
Calibration Black is lowest value of radar signal, white is highest value of radar signal.
Calibration steps.
Date/Time 01.10.99 / 22:55-23:00
Area Nothwestern Okhotsk Sea, Pacific Ocean, Kamchatka Peninsula, Paramushir
Coordinates 62°N, 151°E; 62.5°N, 158.5°E;
43.5°N, 153.5°E; 44°N, 159°E
Surface geometry 460km * 2240km
Location map Available
Other signatures seen in the image None from the list of interest

Supplementary information

Weather maps
Wave analysis

Source image: image size: 250pxl*1222pxl; image resolution: 1500m*1500m; file size: 0.8MB
Contact: Leonid Mitnik; Vyacheslav Dubina
