Here is a brief summary of the event prepared by Roland Romeiser

ADI'DAS Kickoff Meeting
Location: Ifremer, Brest Date: June 23, 2000


1. Introduction of project participants, available models and data

Romeiser:     Introduction of UHSO team.

Ufermann:     Introduction of SOES-SOC team, overview of some results
                     presented at IGARSS 1999.

Hajji:            Introduction of MeteoMer team and some results of analysis
                     of internal wave signatures.

Garello:         Introduction of ENST Bretagne team, examples of some results,
                      wavelet analysis of internal wave signatures.

Chapron:         Overview of some interesting facts and ideas about ERS SAR imagettes,
                       signatures of rain cells,wave breaking, contributions to radar backscatter.

Mityagina:        Introduction of IKI-RAS team and available data..

Troitskaya:       Introduction of lAP-RAS team and experiment facilities.

Mitnik:             Introduction of POI-RAS team, suggestions for database format.

Romeiser:        Overview of ADI'DAS project structures etc. - at the moment, the generation
                        of the database has main priority. Opening of discussion on database issues.

Ufermann:         Overview of available SIR-C/X-SAR and RADARSAT data (see viewgraphs), problems:
                         Additional information not easily available.

Tournadre:      Comment: SIR-C/X-SAR can be useful for a number of investigations,
                        interpretation is possible despite problems mentioned by Ufermann.

Botcharova:     Database ideas, available data from IKI-RAS (JUSREX Ku band RAR, ALMAZ SAR,
                        ERS SAR).

All:                 Database discussion. It is concluded to use mainly the following data:
                        JUSREX (provided by IKI-RAS)
                        SIR-C/X- SAR (provided by UHSO)
                        ERS SAR (provided by POI-RAS)

Furthermore, UHSO has interesting RADARSAT data, and there are some more interesting data at different places that can be used if desired. The database will start as a website with quicklook JPGs of the images with a short description. People who want to work with the data can then order them directly from the supplying team by FTP or on CD or tape.
Main responsibility for the database is with IKI-RAS, who will design a data submission form and distribute it soon to all partners.

2. Administrative matter
Romeiser:   Money distribution etc. - everything appears to be alright.
All: Discussion on places and times of future meetings. Taking into account the different phases of the
project, transportation and climate issues, and other constraints, we will try to arrange meetings as follows:
February    2001       Southampton
September 2001       Moscow and / or Nizhny Novgorod
February    2002       MeteoMer site (near Nice)
Summer     2002       St. Petersburg (Leonid Mitnik's second location)
October     2002       Hamburg (end of project)

3. Action items
All : Leave hardcopies of viewgraphs, or send them as soon as possible IKI-RAS: Prepare form
and instructions for data submission
IKI-RAS: Prepare quicklook images and information for the database according to instructions UHSO,
provided by IKI-RAS POI-RAS.
