ADI'DAS Radar Image Preview Database
Oceanic phenomena / Internal waves

Image Preview/ Location map

Image name RARKu9207211506
Platform/Sensor Tu-134/RAR
Flight altitude/speed 2000 m / 460 km/h
Image partition 4 fragments: leftHH, leftVV, rightHH, rightVV
Wavelength(s)/Frequency(ies)/Band(s) 2,25cm/13,6GHz/Ku
Polarization(s) VV, HH
Incidence angle(s) 72-84°
Calibration Black is lowest value of radar signal, white is highest value of radar signal
Full images: calibration coefficients for different strips are different
Image preview: gray scale individually optimized for each channel
Date/Time 21.07.92 / 15:06 - 15:18
Area Northwestern Atlantic, New York Bight
Coordinates Start: 40° 24'N, 71° 06'W ; 
End: 40° 00'N, 72° 32'W
Surface geometry   127,5km*12,5km at each board
Location map Available
Other signatures seen in the image None from the list of interest

Supplementary information:

Buoy and ship time series of: wind speed and direction, air and water temperature and atmospheric pressure
Vertical profiles of: atmospheric humidity, temperature and pressure

Source image:  image size: 5098x2048 pixels; pixel size: 25 x 25 m, file size: 11.0Mb

Owner: IKI RAS, contact:

